Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mum's Day @ 9th May 2010 (Sunday) 孝亲节快乐

Mum's Day Special ~~ A Taste of Mum ~~~

Cheesecake Range

Size available in 6inch and 8 inch only.
6inch = RM45
8inch = RM65

1. Oreo Cheesecake
2. Greentea Redbean Cheesecake
3. Strawberry Cheesecake
4. Chocolate Orange Cheesecake
5. Apricot Cheesecake

Attn: All orders due date will be at 5th of May, 2010

Nothing's gonna change my love for you --- Westlife

Found this video at youtube, really like this ~~~

OREO Cheesecake

Although it is not included in my previous list, but all the time, i do it to feed my own ...

The ingredients you need to have a great oreo cheese is as simple as abc...not trusting me?

Let's see..

1. You need a mouth
2. You need a stomach - hungry gram to consume a full 4inch cheesecake, or half full gram, as you like..
3. You need a spoon/fingers to hold the oreo cheese
4. A piece of oreo cheese from Angelique
5. Now, you can start to mix the ingredients, firstly, open up your 4cm wide mouth, slowly feed in a spoonful of oreo cheese, then with your teeth and tongue slowly taste it, yes, nice n slow, then, let it proceed to your stomach, through your throat, esofagus system and etc..... oooh, it's reaching your stomach..let it stay for some times before you digest and release at the toilet bowl.......

The oreo cheesecake photo will be upload soon, as my card reader/usb were left at my office.. (Gosh...)
Nevermind, in order not to let you feel frustrating, i've grabbed a picture from kraft food philadelphia website.

Here it is...............

6 inch - RM 45
8 inch - RM 65

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Mother's Day 母亲节快乐 9 MAY 2010,Sunday

母亲大人,祝福您身体健康~~ 越来越美丽 ~~~

Happy Mother's Day to you........ Mum.....



康乃馨 -----母亲花


康乃馨: 伟大、神圣、慈祥的母亲

红康乃馨: 祝母亲健康长寿

粉康乃馨: 祝母亲永远年轻,美丽

黄康乃馨: 长久的友谊

白康乃馨: 纯洁的友谊

Meanings of Carnations

The meanings of carnations include fascination, distinction, and love. Like many other flowers, different messages can also be expressed with the flower’s different color varieties. Light red carnations, for example, are often used to convey admiration, whereas the dark red version expresses deeper sentiments of love and affection. White carnations are associated with purity and luck, and pink carnations are often given as a sign of gratitude. In the early part of the 20th century, carnations became the official flower of Mother's Day in addition finding particular significance in many other cultures worldwide.

To this day, carnations remain a favorite flower choice for many different occasions. They are immediately recognizable flowers, and they possess a charm and allure that continues to captivate people around the globe. In fact, in many parts of the world, the popularity of carnations surpasses that of any other flower including roses. The powerful sentiments these flowers can express are a perfect compliment to their classic beauty and long-lasting freshness. By retaining its status as a floral mainstay for such a long time, the carnation has proven itself to be a lasting flower in more ways than one.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fruit Cakes at Kyoto Station

埋头苦干-我干~我干~ (我是说正在努力做蛋糕)


夜已深,卖饼婆我还在厨房洗刷刷洗刷刷个不停,一会儿打蛋一会儿煮巧克力,一会儿为蛋糕穿上漂亮可口的糖衣~~~ 隐约中还能听到楼上的邻居投诉我三更半夜在打扰他们睡觉(蛋糕搅拌机所发出的噪音啦~~) 怎办?难道要我盖着被单躲在底下搅拌蛋糕吗?? 我的妈呀,那EH真可怜咧~~ 没办法咯,唯有加快速度,拚了!

好想拨点时间去戏院看戏哦~ 距离上次我最后一部戏是看How to train your dragon,这部戏真的很不错,我超喜欢的~~~ (童心还是存在的)

好了啦,再写下去我真的要两三点也还不能睡,明早还要上班哦~~ 为自己加油吧!!

めいチャン がんばてね!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm back ~ 我回来也~~

You may place your order now, i'm back ~~

Thanks for continuing supports!


Mango Tart 芒果塔~~~ 来喽!!

This item only available at mango season, and is available from now on.... Mango were diced into cubes and filled with vanilla fillo, then baked for 30 minutes until golden brown and at top brushed with the apricot gel.
Is a great treat especially in summer time like now....

芒果塔~所谓芒果塔就是用芒果来做的塔啦~为什么叫塔不叫派呢?因为本人喜欢给它称作塔,它不就得叫塔喽,没有为什么的啊~~ (楼主有点疯了)

由于现在是芒果季,到处都可见到黄橙橙的芒果,有来自泰国,台湾,本地等等的不同品种,所以芒果香那诱人的香气可弥漫了整个空气~~ 要不吃芒果?难咯!! 楼主我也不想“拾书”所以我也推出了芒果塔,希望它能够满足各位“爱芒”之人。


8 inch - RM 40
9 inch - RM 50

New Item ~~ Almond Caramel Tart 焦糖杏仁塔

New Item 新产品上架咯~~

Inspired this tart from the almond florentine crisp that i done during CNY, now... finally managed to find out the great recipe of the caramel to match with this almond tart... This has a strong taste of buttery and rum smell.... Hope for those who love caramel and almonds will love it too..

经过几番改良之后,终于被我成功征服了它。。。这款焦糖杏仁塔和一般的焦糖有不同哦,我融合了较重的奶油味在加上浓浓的兰姆酒,它所散发出的与众不同香味肯定让那些偏爱焦糖风味的朋友‘狠狠的爱上它’哦~~ 嘻嘻

8 inch - RM 30
9 inch - RM 40

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Angelique's Yummy Object is Coming Soon

Mango Pepper Tart
Lemon Curd Tart
Baked Banana Tart
Get Flower Effect