Saturday, July 9, 2011

김치식당 Kimchi Korean Restaurant Penang: Delicious rice,fish and dishes

김치식당 Kimchi Korean Restaurant Penang: Delicious rice,fish and dishes

Friday, January 7, 2011

Choux de Vanille / Cream Puff with Vanilla Curd 香草黄金泡芙

泡芙之所以能成为人人最爱,是因为它蓬松润滑的口感加上绵密的香草卡斯达蛋黄酱。几个世纪以来,各个不同国家的糕点师傅都在专研外皮不一样的烘培法。有些加入高筋面粉,分量逐加减而演变成不同口感的泡芙。 甚至,在烘培时加上一层菠萝酥皮,导致整个泡芙所呈现出来的卖相很不一样。


我这款泡芙是属于柔软性质的。。因为我不想嚼咀太久(懒惰),所以比较偏向于松软的感觉~~ 当然里面的陷料少不了经典的蛋黄酱(或称卡斯达酱)。 随着个人的喜好可以加入香草口味,芒果,榴莲(季节性),巧克力,咖啡,草莓,和近来我研发的香橙芝士酱~~ 呵呵呵,可说又带来了一道和以往不同的口味~~ 简直就是升级版的泡芙嘛~ (唉哟,我怎么是卖糕赞糕香呐)

每个只卖RM1.30 (至少订30个份哦)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Open for Christmas Order Now......

Hello customers, christmas is near.. hohoho....

Wish you all a very merry christmas and may you showered with the bless from god.....

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Dear all, I will be away from 14th to 22th September 2010. All orders will resume on 26 September 2010. Thanks !


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chocolate Orange Cakes 香橙巧克力蛋糕

Another devil's chocolate cake, this time added with orange flavor.... slightly different from the past...
Orange and chocolate are a good partner/combination in food... we have orange chocolate stick, orange chocolate cocktail, orange chocolate cookies..... etc..... and now we have orange chocolate cake..

Of coz...i'll wont forget about the chocolate peppermint cake.. this is the most traditional 1.... my favorite as well....

香橙巧克力蛋糕和巧克力慕斯蛋糕有些许不同,分别是在蛋糕里加了香橙味以及mandarin orange做馅料。。。绝对货真价实~~


6 inch - RM45
8 inch - RM65

Chocolate Mousse Cake 巧克力慕斯蛋糕

The chocolate mousse cake has a rich flavor of chocolate ....  the bottom layer is devil's chocolate cake and then layered with the rich choc mousse.... top with chocolate mirror coating .... slightly decorations make it look nice and the color combinations..

这款巧克力慕斯蛋糕的做法,说到做法还真是离不开巧克力。。。除了巧克力之外,还是巧克力。。。 底层用了恶魔巧克力蛋糕来垫底,什么是恶魔巧克力蛋糕呢?说来话长,我就轻描淡写的说吧,就是。。。很浓厚的巧克力味的巧克力蛋糕。。 >.< (明白吗?)


6inch - RM 45
8inch - RM 65

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Strawberry Mousse Cake 草莓慕斯蛋糕

Strawberry Mousse Cake was made into a semi-sphere shape, which filled with fresh blended strawberries and layered with vanilla spongecake at the centered layer and bottom layer. With no excessive decorating, it just look so strawberry at its natural sweetness.

草莓慕斯蛋糕 - -  这个半圆形的慕斯蛋糕总算有些新花样。。。以新鲜的草莓打成草莓泥,再加上浓浓草莓味的慕斯陷,覆盖两层香草海棉蛋糕为中层及地层。。没有太多的装饰,只用草莓点缀,自然美!好吃!


8 inch - RM65

(Only 8 inch available)

Lychee Mousse Cake 荔枝慕斯蛋糕

Lychee Mousse Cake - A three layer chilled cake comes with a vanilla spongecake base, centered with Lychee flavor mousse filling and top with lychee jelly.


4 inch - RM 35
6 inch - RM 45
8 inch - RM 65

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Longan Mousse Cake 龙眼慕斯蛋糕

Longan Mousse Cake has a combination of 3 layers, which the bottom layer is vanilla sponge cake, center layer is a longan flavor mousse cake and on top is a longan jelly.


6 inch/ RM 45
8 inch/ RM 65

Thursday, July 8, 2010

榴莲飘香~~ 榴莲季节推出榴莲千层派~~~ Durian Pancake




每个派约13-15层,8" 大

售价是 RM 50

* This item only available on Saturday

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